Interested in adding features/fixing bugs/using your own data with perf-o-matic 2.0? It’s easy!
git clone git://
open graphs/graph.html # in your favorite browser; on Mac "open" will do
the right thing
You can now hack on graph.html, js/common.js and js/graph-2.js (maybe js/embed.js and js/dashboard.js, if you’re working on the embed or dashboard components). You’ll be pulling live data from by default.
For most cases, that’s it! If you need more, read on:
What about the dashboard? I loaded index.html but there are no
No problem; it’s all in the INSTALL file, but here’s the tl;dr version:
These images are generated by running node.js from cron, doing server-side HTML5 canvas and saving the result to a static image (PNG).
You need to install node.js and npm, then:
npm install canvas htmlparser jquery jsdom
mkdir images/dashboard
node ./scripts/static_graphs.js
You should now have static graph images in ./images/dashboard/ and
index.html should look healthier.
But I want to run the backend server, so I can post my own
Check out the INSTALL file; it has an example apache config and lists the dependencies you’ll need to install (note - only tested on RHEL 6, will accept patches/pull requests if you get it running elsewhere though).
Ok, but I have my own backend server; can’t I just provide my own
JSON feed?
Yes! The manifest file (for building the menu on the “Custom Chart” page) looks like and the individual test runs look like
Ok! But I fixed/added/rewrote something, how can I send a patch?
Excellent! Send me ( a pull request, or file a bug at bugzilla in product Webtools component Graphserver version 2.0`, and thanks for contributing!