
Rob Helmer's blog posts matching the tag: tinderbox

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6/29/2010 ·

gzip-encoding on tinderbox-stage needs testing

Testing gzip encoding on Tinderbox-stage to boost loading speeds. Share your feedback and help refine this performance improvement!


2/15/2009 ·

Evolving beyond Mozilla Tinderbox

Journey from Tinderbox CI/CD to modern continuous integration practices, exploring how Momentum enhances deployment workflows and development automation.


4/8/2008 ·

on moving to buildbot for reals

Transitioning Mozilla to Buildbot for Continuous Integration, moving fully away from the venerable Mozilla Tinderbox CI


3/4/2008 ·

moving 1.8 nightlies to release machines March 5 2008

Announcement about migrating nightly production to release machines for the 1.8 branch for Firefox releases, with a list of impacted machines


2/15/2008 ·

moving nightly Mozilla1.8 Firefox to release automation system

Streamlining Mozilla 1.8 Nightly Builds with Release Automation, with links to bugzilla and more information. Tinderbox still in use, with help from BuildBot.


1/17/2008 ·

tinderboxJsonApi 0.1

Launch of the Tinderbox JSON API (tinderboxJsonApi 0.1), a simpler and more accessible way to interact with Tinderbox data.


1/10/2008 ·

summarizing build-on-checkin feedback

Addressing concerns regarding build-on-checkin automation. Contrasting the trade-offs for the current and proposed systems.


12/29/2007 ·

perf impact on nightly release automation move

Improving Firefox Build and Performance Testing. Discussions on continuous integration and building only as needed.


12/19/2007 ·

tinderbox to buildbot: moz18 branch

Setting up release automation for the Mozilla 1.8 branch using Buildbot to generate nightly and dependent builds


9/2/2007 ·

Tinderbox JSON - now with 100% more AJAX

Introduction of a more AJAX-driven Tinderbox waterfall, using the new Tinderbox JSON output mode. The post discusses performance improvements.


8/29/2007 ·

Tinderbox JSON output

Tinderbox JSON Output Update, and a call for testing. Discussion into current UI techniques and using Mozilla Tinderbox as a backend.