
Rob Helmer's blog posts matching the tag: tinderbox

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6/29/2010 ·

Testing gzip encoding on Tinderbox-stage to boost speed

Testing gzip encoding on Tinderbox-stage to boost loading speeds. Share your feedback and help refine this performance improvement!


2/15/2009 ·

Evolving beyond Mozilla Tinderbox: to Buildbot and beyond

Journey from Tinderbox CI/CD to modern continuous integration practices, exploring how Momentum enhances deployment workflows and development automation.


4/8/2008 ·

On moving from Tinderbox to Buildbot (for reals this time)

Transitioning Mozilla to Buildbot for Continuous Integration, moving fully away from the venerable Mozilla Tinderbox CI


3/4/2008 ·

moving 1.8 nightlies to release machines March 5 2008

Announcement about migrating nightly production to release machines for the 1.8 branch for Firefox releases, with a list of impacted machines


2/15/2008 ·

moving nightly Mozilla1.8 Firefox to release automation

Streamlining Mozilla 1.8 Nightly Builds with Release Automation, with links to bugzilla and more information. Tinderbox still in use, with help from BuildBot.


1/17/2008 ·

Launch of Tinderbox JSON API (0.1): Simplified Data Access

Launch of the Tinderbox JSON API (tinderboxJsonApi 0.1), a simpler and more accessible way to interact with Tinderbox data.


1/10/2008 ·

Build-on-Checkin Automation: Concerns and System Trade-Offs

Addressing concerns regarding build-on-checkin automation. Contrasting the trade-offs for the current and proposed systems.


12/29/2007 ·

Improving Firefox Builds with CI and Performance Testing

Improving Firefox Build and Performance Testing. Discussions on continuous integration and building only as needed.


12/19/2007 ·

Automating Mozilla 1.8 Releases with Buildbot Nightlies

Setting up release automation for the Mozilla 1.8 branch using Buildbot to generate nightly and dependent builds


9/2/2007 ·

JSON Mode and Performance Upgrade: now with 100% more AJAX

Introduction of a more AJAX-driven Tinderbox waterfall, using the new Tinderbox JSON output mode. The post discusses performance improvements.


8/29/2007 ·

Tinderbox JSON Update: Testing and UI Backend Insights

Tinderbox JSON Output Update, and a call for testing. Discussion into current UI techniques and using Mozilla Tinderbox as a backend.